Great Fashion Tips for Men

As we move further in to the 21st century, the average male consumer is starting to take more care and pride in their appearance. This new emphasis on looking good has seen a massive increase in sales of male cosmetic products and has also meant that the male population is becoming increasingly fashion conscious. You will now regularly see many men sporting the latest designer clothes or designer jewellery in an attempt to make a fashion statement. With this in mind, we thought we would run down our top 5 fashion accessories for men in 2011.

Sterling Silver Bracelets – As the price of gold continues to rise, silver is now replacing it as the must have jewellery material, and sterling silver bracelets have grown a great deal in popularity. You will find all major jewellery designers offering a range of sterling silver bracelets to their male customer base as they look to take advantage of this craze. One example of this is a Blog sterling silver bracelet from Lovelinks, which can be worn alone or with personalised beads to create an individual item, making it a popular choice for everyone.
Leather Bracelets – A trendy alternative to silver bracelets or other items like watches are leather bracelets, which are a bit more discreet, subtle and will generally look good with whatever clothes you decide to put on before the day begins.
Summer Scarves – This will sound like the most bizarre clothing accessory, as who in their right mind would wear a scarf in the summer? Well that is what many males are now doing in a bid to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends. These scarves are a lot lighter than your standard woolly scarf, so that you don’t boil to death on a hot summer’s day, and will generally come in a variety of plain or checked alternatives.
Pea Coats – Something for you to look out for now (so that you can get them cheaper before the winter months come around) are pea coats. These coats can be a trendy and professional alternative, and the finest coats you will find will be made with 100% wool, and not a mixture of wool and cotton. These pea coats derived fromwhen 19th century soldiers who use to wear something similar. You will be able to find these coats in a variety of shapes and colours, but generally black and dark navy tend to be the most popular.
Chinos – Chinos are another item of clothing which originates from the 19th century, just after the Spanish-American war. These trousers have a military heritage, but they have been adapted over time to meet with the ever changing fashion trends.They have always been considered a smart and fashionable item of clothing, which means you can wear them in an everyday setting, with knitwear, casual shirts or sports jackets. Generally if you are looking for chinos, you will find them in a light brown or beige colour.

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