Herbal Beauty Care Tips

1) Drink lots of water: at least 8 glasses daily.

2) For a good moisturizing effect, mix some warm honey and the juice of a lemon and apply it as a face pack. Wash off after a few minutes; the skin will be soft and glowing.

3) Use home made curd as a natural bleach to lighten skin tone. Lemon is also a good natural bleach.

4) A good face pack for oily skin is a mixture of turmeric, neem leaves, sandal powder and rose water. Keep the pack on for some minutes and gently rub it off using rose water. This helps in reducing and preventing acne.

5) People with dry skin can use milk and cream to moisturize their skin. Honey can be added to increase the moisturizing effect.

6) Mix a table spoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice in warm water and have it the first thing in the morning. It is a great herbal cleanser and eliminates toxins.

7) Use natural scrubbers while taking a shower; some of the best herbal scrubbers are: the grated dry peel of oranges, pastes made of masoor dal, salt, granular sugar.

8) Eat healthy.

Incorporate as many as possible fruits and vegetables in your diet. All fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that are indispensable for a healthy and beautiful skin.

9) Eat a fair amount of nuts everyday. They are rich in nutrients that make the skin glow.

10) Cucumbers are a great gift of nature to man. Eat lots of cucumbers early in day to hydrate the body.

11) Cucumbers are also great for external application on the skin. They relieve sore tired eyes and also moisturize the skin.

12) Skin rashes result from silicon deficiency. To avoid these rashes, eat lots of sprouts, barley, strawberries , tomatoes, spinach, and figs.

13) Rejuvenating Lemon-Ginger Bath

1/4 cup minced ginger root 1/4 cup dried parsley 1/2 cup lemon zest 2 tablespoons oatmeal

Put all the ingredients together into a muslin/nylon cloth, tie it, and toss into a warm bath.

The ginger will aid the circulation. This is a great herbal bath. The parsley is good for the skin, lemon gives a refreshing aroma, and the oatmeal makes the water soft for a very refreshing bath.

14) Milk Bath Blends

Make a great homemade herbal milk bath by just drying your own choice of herbs, powdering them in small quantities in a blender. Add some milk to two teaspoons of the powdered herb mixture and 1/4 Cup of powdered oatmeal. Toss into the bath-tub and let it soak. It may be a bit messy, but you will love your skin after the bath.

Some Herbs that you can try are: Peppermint, Lemongrass, Chamomile, Rosemary, Lavender, and scented geraniums.

15) For healthy hair, eat food that are high in iron, including kelp or other sea vegetables. Flaxseed oil, Vitamin E and evening primrose oil, are also helpful.

16) For soothing irritated eyes try this: after applying a face pack or mask, place cold chammomile tea bags on your eyes. Relax as long as the face pack takes to dry: for 20 minutes at least. The tea bags will having a soothing effect and leave you refreshed.. The above are some of the most effective Herbal beauty care tips that are going to transform anyone who follows them routinely.

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